
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Its a rainy day everywhere

personally i hate wearing white, for any occasion but it was such a nice cloudy day outside i just said 'awh screw it'. That and i have these gorgeous white skinny jeans from FXXI that have been laying there just starring at me like 'so when you gunna wear me?'. So today i gave in and just wore them. But today it is cloudy everywhere with me.
Lets start with the simple thing :)
I am very very happy that i finally get a cloudy day because it is my favorite weather and my feet may come a little on the soaked side. What is it about puddles that make a person glee-ful? And while my neighbors that probably know nothing of happiness because sometimes i do fear for their mental health. They just seem so unhappy, except for the cute neighbor across the street's little sister, she's so cute and happy. But they just hate it when i am out there with my friends and we are having a good time in the rain. Maybe they should like splash a little.
Yeah that is an unhappy face because i messed it up. Apparently you cannot mix whites, denim, and things of other colors, even if you don't put bleach in the water. Yeah....... so now i have a couple shirts that are of the brown dookie color. It's quite unsettling. So i decided to seperate them and re wash them, this time with bleach! I am writing this while they are in the washer currently so i do not know how they are going to turn out.
Amongst my friends i am the only one trying to GAIN WEIGHT
Why do people think that being skinny is great? Not all skinny people are healthy okay. I would not say that i am healthy at all. The amount of sugar that i consume is probably not safe, my excercise consists of walking around the house to get food, most of the time i am laying on my bed reading or watching TV. I am currently waiting for the day my metabolism shuts down says 'bye charlie' and makes me fat. I am a bad skinny person. Also for people wanting to be skinny, get ready to get the seasons 'new stuff' when it comes out. Because your Xtra Smalls, your Smalls, and the Mediums, will be gone. Because the other good skinny people got to them. So yes as a skinny person i complain about not finding my size.
I really should not be getting mad at my friends as much as i do.
I hate getting mad at my friends. I am probably going to work on that.
Until then :)

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