
Sunday, June 26, 2011

100th Post!!

so this is my 100th post. And with only 3 readers i am still a happy camper. Suck it.
So i figure.. why not say 100 random truths
1.I am still afraid of the dark.
2.I play pokemon..still
3.My favorite video game is Glover for the nintendo 64
4. I hate the color purple for hair
5.My mother swears that I am a drama queen
6.I was once afraid of the Mrs.Buttersworth
7.Don't walk into my room expecting it to be clean
8. Charlie Chaisty is my alias because my real name makes me feel weird
9.When people ask to ask me a question i think the worst friends are the worst
11. I was never comfortable admitting that my favorite color is PINK
12. I hate raisins, they remind me of eating an old person
13.I only wear my silly bands in the summer time
14. I really like Dinosaur shaped anything
15. Sometimes i tell the friends that i don't expect to last long that i am adopted
16. I get most people to believe anything
17. I am a really hard person to read
18. Teachers will usually really hate me or really love me, there is no inbetween
19. I use to have a ginourmous crush on Anekin from star wars
20. I still have that same crush
21. Daytime television makes me want to take a nap
22.I have a hard time liking my friends
23. I was once accused of being scene so i got a hot topic card.
24.It's still in my wallet.
25. I haven't used it since.
26. My journal is filled with my really crappy drawings
27. When i hear people "Gang-Bang" it makes me wanna smack them in the face
28. I will be in history books for something, i promise
29. That thing will probably be for something bad
30. I hate when girls call me a pet name, its creepy, i'm not a lesbian
31.I use bobby pins to clean out my ears
32. I do it to gross my mom out
33.Things that have double letters make me smile/laugh like gOOgle, hiPPie, eGG
34. Like Yoda I like to Talk, sometimes.
35. Shakespeare quotes, food, and cuddling are the way to my heart.
36. I find sex to be very useless
37. I plan on adopting a little british boy
38. I am not above kidnapping
39. I plan on getting alot of tats
40. I am afraid of the dark
41. I have a problem with repeating things
42.When people smile at me it creeps me out
43. I once tried to kill myself
44. I fail at things sometimes
45. On my pizza you will find : Chicken and Hotsauce
46. There's something about the music they play at Hollister that makes me wanna dance
47. Sometimes i dance in my favorite stores
48.I do compete with my friends to look better than them
49. When it comes to competions and races i will win.
50.I wanna travel back in time to the 80's
51. Texting does not entertain me, it distracts me
52. I am a very inuendo-us person
53. Be cautious around me, i will mess with your head
54. I have this thing for speaking properly. Because I ain't no kindergartener.
55. I'm building a robot tomorrow
56. Most of the time i don't know what to do with the props i make
57. School confuses me
58. Alot of things confuse me.
59. I am not self concious
60. I have this thing were i just want to be the prettiest person ... EVER
61. On my phone i also have the time in Dallas so i can keep up with my dad.
62. My favorite drumlines are; Phantom Regiment, Santa Clara Vanguard, and the Bluedevils
63.Loaded mashed potatoes make me smile really big
64. I wanted to play the violin and then i broke it
65. I wanted to play the piano and then i quit that
66. I have a hard time with commitment and perserverance
67. I am not really superstious
68. Cats piss me off to no end
69. Hahahahahahahahahhahaha ah hm hm
70. I will never have children due to the people around me and their children
71. If someone disagrees with me, i don't really care.
72. I do not believe in "to each their own" its a democracy get the hell over it.
73. Everything should be a monarchy is my mindset.
74.I like color. It should be everywhere.
75. When i was little i had a yellow room
76. I dispise the color yellow.
77. I am a tree in my way of life.
78. I want to live on the beach and have a beach crusier and everything
79. I am not a burger person in the summer really
80. i have quite the collection of hoodies
81. I like wet rainy gloomy weather.
82. i once liked a douche bag with a blue durango
83. The aunt that didn't come back for me had a durango
84. I don't like durangos alot.
85. I am going to get a cool job, because I am a cool person
86. My taste buds are very fine and hate bogus food.
87. I should be a cook.
88. I don't like doing my own dishes.
89. Music is something i am not closed minded about.
90. I like to build stuff with my waffles
91. I am a huge nerd.
92. Wal-mart gives me anxiety attacks
93. Parents usually like my personality
94. I use to be brain washed by public school.
95. I do not like public very much.
96. I do not like assumptions very much.
97. Being active is not my forte
98. Acoustic music is my favorite.
99. I want to play the guitar and Piano.
100. I'm glad i have a boyfriend now so my friends can shut up.

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